
Menexa Communication Agency in Rome, has twenty years of experience and its history began in 1994 from Millenium Comunicazione, a communication agency specializing in advertising graphics and communication for the hotel industry transforming itself into Menexa Sas on November 5, 2001 to gather all the creative experiences and make available to its clients a complete and dynamic range of services.

In November 2018, Menexa Srl was founded, which collects the legacy of skills of the previous company but stands more competitively in the market by expanding the services offered and moving to a new location more consonant with the activities exercised.

Our way of conceiving professionalism is to provide the client with a team that can think of solutions and imagine the projects best suited to their needs.

Menexa Communication Agency gathers the decades of experience of professionals in graphic design, web-design, publishing and design to propose to the companies and institutions that have chosen it, the best of creativity and innovation. The ethos of our design always combines creative and economic values, in a mixture that sees customer satisfaction as its focal point.

Our company has been working for years with the public administration, foreign states and with private clients, is present within the MEPA (Public Administration Electronic Marketplace) and can compete in any kind of public call for tenders.

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